I just (April 2004) acquired this boxed set
for about $100 on eBay. The seller described it as, " 5 Molinard
wooden poker dice in original box- Le Poker "CONCRETA".
Each die unscrews and has solid perfume inside. Brought back from
Paris in the late 1940's. Some of the solid perfume and the pleasant
aroma still is intact. A real collectible!" Using the interenet,
I found out that (1) "concreta" means "it realizes" in Italian, I thought.
I am now told "concreta" means "concrete" -- thus "solid," so solid
perfume; and (2) "concreta" is a solid perfume line today!
More information at this
eBay guide. It says, in part, : " In 1849, a chemist named Molinard
Jeune concocted excellent perfumed waters in the secrecy of his laboratory
which he then sold from a small boutique in the center of town. The reputation
of Molinard's perfumes grew and became established with the creation in
1921 of Habanita, a perfume that to the day remains a great classic.
CONCRETA: "'The genuine wax of the flowers, used directly as a perfume,
Just a touch behind the ear, in the hair, on the eyebrows, on the linings
of your coat, quite enough to be perfumed.', states a vintage Concreta advertisement.
In 1925, Molinard created the first solid perfumes, called concreta. These
solids were the genuine wax from the flowers. This alcohol free formula,
is a very guarded secret and has even been patented by Molinard. It is more
concentrated than any other perfume, and will last a lot longer as well.
Even vintage concreta still retains a strong scent."