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In the 1930's to 60's it was the leading
nightclub in Atlantic City. it was frequented
by the most influential people and featured top
headliners. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis first teamed
up there. Frank Sinatra appeared over a six year period
five times. Gambling occurred there (see p. 4, The
Gaming Table). These are the only chips that are known
to have been used there. I am sold-out
of the orange one. Click here to
see a short history of the Club and
evidence from the manufacturer's records (1934,
1937). These chips are for sale. Look under "New
Jersey," below.
More illegal
club sales listings on this page, click here -- Chicago,
Montana, etc.
NOTES FOR THIS LIST, ETC.: ND, no denomination; HS,
hotstamped; /, separates the two sides of the
chip if the imprint is different
on each side; ($xx), value I put on chip;...................
Condition of chip: (1) if
nothing to contrary, chip is used but presentable,
average, OK; (2) if mint, near-
mint, etc., I will say Excel.; and (3) if poor,
unsightly, very worn, or there is a
major problem like chip is warped, holed, etc., I
will spell it out.................Of
course, both parties must be happy; anything
may be returned and trade
canceled...............Delivery is responsibility
of the sender; I urge everything be
sent insured.
(INSERTS), MOLD (note: sometimes in this list
the mold comes after the hot-
stamp/inlay notation), HOT-STAMP (HS) OR INLAY, CONDITION
**CITY CLUB (Phoenix) -- N.D., hub mold, HS: "City
Club" inside logo; excellent -- orange,
red, and blue -- ($10
each; or $25 for set of 3)
ARKANSAS -- ***others with pictures at
the bottom of this page
**SOUTHERN CLUB (Hot Springs ) --
$1.00, white (3 black inserts), diamonds,
HS Southern Club/$1.00,
poor (very worn), ($5)
**SOUTHERN CLUB (Hot Springs ) -- 1.00, white (3 black
inserts), diamonds,
HS Southern Club/1.00,
poor (very worn), NOTE: no $ sign on this version, ($5)
**SOUTHERN CLUB (Hot Springs ) -- $5.00, orange (3
yellow inserts),
horseshoes, HS: Southern
Club/$5.00, poor (very worn), ($7)
**SOUTHERN CLUB (Hot Springs) --ND, blue,
harp mold, HS: "Southern Club Association sCa" both sides
Picture link.
**SOUTHERN CLUB (Hot Springs) -- 5, blue,
harp mold, HS: "Southern Club Association 5" on one side/on
reverse side:
Club Association sCa" Picture of both sides: here and
here. ($29)
**BELVEDERE CLUB (Hot Springs) -- 5, blue,
harp mold, HS: "Belvedere Club Association 5" on one side/on
"Belvedere Club Association bCa" Pictures of both sides: here
and here.
**BELVEDERE CLUB (Hot Springs) -- 1,
orange (yellow gold), harp mold, HS: "Belvedere Club Association
reverse side: "Belvedere Club Association bCa" Pictures
of both sides: here
and here.
-- $25.00, black,Ts mold,
HS: White Front $25,
excel., ($20) SOLD
**BELVEDERE CLUB ASSOC (Hot Springs) -- 5, blue (3
white inserts), Ts
mold, HS: 5 in circle,
Belvedere Club Association, ($15) sold
**THE VAPORS (Hot Springs) -- $1.00, white (3 yellow
inserts), diamonds, HS:
the Vapors $1.00,
HS imprint is faint, ($15) SOLD
**THE VAPORS (Hot Springs) -- $5.00, green (3 black
inserts), diamonds, HS:
the Vapors $5.00,
HS imprint is faint, ($15) SOLD
**MORGAN BANK (Eureka Springs) -- ND, yellow (w/ 3
inserts), hub, HS:
picture of crown, light hot-stamp, but legible
($10) (note: the
manufacturers records
show chips shipped to Dallas, Texas, but
are attributed
to Morgan Bank......)
**MORGAN BANK (Eureka Springs) -- ND, red(w/ 3 white
inserts) and yellow (w/3 red
inserts) , hub, HS: picture of crown, light hot-stamp,
not too legible ($10) (note:
the manufacturers records
show chips shipped to a Jerry Rosenberg
Dallas, Texas, but are attributed to Morgan
Bank Club. Rosenberg was
the Vapor's Club rep. in Dallas and worked at that
club during the busy racing
season. ... .... ..... I have seen this chip attributed
to the illegal Variety Club, Dallas,
Texas, too.)
**OCEANIC CLUB (Santa Monica) (I am told this was
an illegal club) -- ND,
black, recessed
dashes, HS Oceanic Club, faint HS image, ($20)
**NORTH WEST SOCIAL CLUB (NWSC) (illegal club?) --
50, white, inlay:
Chineese characters
(translation: Good for the community/charity),
crest and seal, ($25)
**CLOVER CLUB (Hollywood) -- 10, black, smkey, HS:
10 and picture of
clover, ($20) SOLD
**RED BALLOON (San Francisco
Pier) -- 50 points, black, square-square-diamond mold, HS:
"The Red Balloon,
S.F., 50 points"; reverse side: "Redeemable, merchandise concessions,
no liquor."
to "The Gaming Table" the chips were used in the 1970s.) Chip
picture: click here
and here.
**PARADISE THEATER (Aspen) -- ND, black, HHR,
HS: Paradise Theater
Aspen, excel., ($10) (note: bought from
Colorado dealer
in Aspen area; supposed
to be from an illegal club with the name
Time and place not determined
as of yet.)
**TURF CLUB (Hialeah Race Track, Hialeah) (club owned
by the famous
gambler/casino owner/sportsman
Col. Edward Riley Bradley) -- ND, have in
brown and yellow,
dot mold, HS: Turf Club, ($10 each)
**TURF CLUB (Hialeah Race Track, Hialeah) (owned by
the famous
gambler/casino owner/sportsman
Col. Edward Riley Bradley) -- ND, have in
brown, rectangle
mold, HS: Turf Club, ($10)
**ROMAN POOLS (Miami Beach) -- 25 (no dollar sign),
green, hub, round inlay
(yellow background): picture of windmill~25,
**ROMAN POOLS (Miami Beach) -- 5 (no dollar sign),
brown, hub mold, round inlay
(white background): picture of
windmill--5, ($25)
**J. C. CLARKS (Boise) -- $1.00, pink, hub, HS: JC/$1.00,
($25.00) (note:
base this on The Gaming Table, 1998 ed., p. 133)
**MORROW BUDDE (Peoria) -- 50 cents, blue, heart-rectangle,
HS: Morrow
Budde/50 c,
($20) SOLD
**COLONY CLUB (East Cape Girardeau) -- $1.00, blue,
cord mold, HS :
Colony Club with small
circle in center/fancy $1.00, faint HS, ($20)
**SEVEN GABLES (SG) (Joliet) -- ND, beige (off white/light
gray), cord, HS:
SG, faint HS,
**SEVEN GABLES (SG) (Joliet) -- ND, beige (off white/light
gray), cord, HS:
SG, faint
HS, ($15)
**CLYDE DOWNS (Kankakee) -- ND, brown, hub, HS: picture
shield w 4 parallel
lines), excel, ($25) SOLD
**CLUB PREVUE (CP) (East Cape Giradeau) -- $1.00,
orange, T mold,
HS: CP / $1.00, ($15.00)
CLUB -- see the entry under "Louisiana."
**CLUB BELVEDERE (Springfield, Ill, 1940's. Miles
Davis got his professional start there)
-- ND, green, T-mold, HS:
Club Belvedere, used but OK ($20)
(Jeffersonville) -- $1.00, blue, HS: BD/$1.00,
large nick on edge
of one side; nick is visible from just one side, ($20)
(SOLD, 12/02)
**II7 COURT (Jeffersonville) -- ND, red, HS: 117 Court,
heart-diamond, ($15) SOLD
**GREYHOUND CLUB (Jeffersonville) -- $5.00, red, diamond.
HS: G/$5.00 (used 1931-34) ($10)
**121-1/2 Club (Jeffersonville) -- ND, yellow, hub, HS: 121 1/2 on both
sides, ($20).
**121-1/2 Club (Jeffersonville) -- ND, red, hub, HS: 121 1/2 on both sides,
KENTUCKY (Part I; part 2 is below)
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- ND, green, hub, HS:
M-C, show use, ($14) SOLD
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- 50 cents, yellow,
HS: Merchants Club 50c�, smkey, ($15)
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- 50 cents, yellow,
HS: Merchants Club 50c, flowers, ($15)
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- $1.00, red, HS: Merchants
Club $1.00, smkey, ($15)
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- $1.00, red, flowers,
HS: Merchants Club $1.00, ($12)
**MERCHANTS CLUB (Newport) -- $5.00, pink/rose,
HS: Merchants Club $5, smkey, worn, ($15)
**GLENN SCHMIDT (NO. KENTUCKY) -- 50 cents, yellow,
smkey, HS: GCS,
50 c, ($20) SOLD
**YORKSHIRE (Newport) -- ND, gray, hourglass,
YC,worn ($8)
**YORKSHIRE CLUB (Newport) -- ND, gray, flower mold,
used, worn but OK
**YORKSHIRE CLUB (Newport) -- ND, tan, flower mold,
used, worn
but OK ($25) SOLD
**KENTUCKY CLUB (Covington) -- ND, red, die-cut metal
inlay: Kentucky
club, Covington,
(picture of horse head); smkey, ($50) SOLD
KENTUCKY (Part II) -- All the chips listed below (in this Part
II) are from the Flamingo Club (also known
as the 633 Club)
in Newport, Ky:
**50c, smkey, yellow, HS: 633 50c club, worn ($8)
**50c, smkey, green, HS:633 50c club, worn and edges
has dark spots ($8)
** $1.00, smkey, red, HS: 633 $1 club, worn ($10)
** $5.00, smkey, black, HS:633 $5 club, OK-used ($10)
** 50c, diamond-square, yellow, HS: 633 50c club,
hot-stamp imprint worn ($5)
** $1.00, diamond-square, red, HS: 633 $1 club, very worn
** $5.00, diamond-square, blue, HS: 633 $5 club,
** ND, hourglass, white/beige, HS: 633 club, ($10)
** ND, hourglass, blue (3 yellow inserts), HS: 633
club ($15)
** ND, hourglass, red, HS: 633 club ($15)
**CLUB FOREST (New Orleans) -- $1.00, green, large
squares, HS: Club Forest
$1.00, excel. ($20.00)
**SOUTHLAND (on levee, Jefferson Parish, near New
Orleans) --no denomination, black, raised circle
(monarch) mold, hot-stamped: "southland"
and picture of horseshoe and bowie knife,faint shallow
hot-stamping. owner, A. G. Rickerfor.
Opened 1932, closed c. 1945 ($23) (note: per p. 234
of 1998 TGT) . The
chip is pictured in the records of Hunt and Co.,
Chicago ILL., the national gambling
supply company which distributed the chip
in 1934. (per "Howdy's Guide to Hunt & Co.")
... ... .... Note: recently some collectors
have attributed this chip to the Club Southland,
6245 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago
ILL, which was active in the 1930's.
**BAL -BALTIMORE CASINO (Baltimore) (It is speculative
that this chip is
from that place; see
The Gaming Table) -- ND, have in blue and red, HS: BAL,
smkey ($10 each)
(Michael Par calls them, with much conviction and
confirmation, Balinese
Room, Galveston TX, chips, but no other
collectors agree.)
**JACK J. EASTMANS, (Nantasket) -- ND, have in two
green and brown, hub,
HS: JJE. excel. ($20.00) (note: based on
the TGT, 1998
edition, p. 134)
**DELTA CLUB (Greenville area) -- ND, red, HS: Delta
Club, hearts-rectangles
mold, worn and warped some, ($7) sold out
**RISING SUN (Greenwood at Rtes 82 and 49) -- ND,
red, HS: Rising Sun in
script, harp, ($10)
**UNCLE BUDS CABIN (Osyka) -- ND, red, HS: Uncle Buds
Cabin, hub,
very worn, ($15) sold out
**EMPIRE CLUB (East St. Louis) -- ND; I have
these chips
in 4 colors: rust, green
and white; plain/flat mold; Crest and Seal inlay:
intertwined fancy EC
monogram; ($15.00 each) (note: these chips appear
the records of the U
S Playing Card Co, who made the chips. They were
sent to two gambling
supply houses in 1928 and 1929: B C Wills, Detroit;
Aladdin Supply, Chicago.)
**SCRUBBYS (Bozeman) -- ND, have chips in gray and
orange, TK mold, HS:
Scrubbys --, hot-stamp
imprint worn, ($15 each)
**PHIL VITSKY (HYC) (Littleton NH) -- ND, green,
hub, HS:
HYC. ($10) (note:
confirmed by TGT and Allan Myers)
**500 CLUB (Atlantic City) -- ND, have chips in white
and brown (see picture and
story of Club at top
of page; I am sold-out of the orange one), hub, HS: C, 500; whites,
$50; and brown $150 -- both for $175. The
whites are OK, just that the hot-stamped inlay
is a little
here to see what the "smeared" white one look like.
I always send the best
condition ones I have first.
Click here
for more about the history of the '500 Club.'
**KANADASAGA CLUB (Rochester area; it is an Iroquois
Indian word for new
was once the name for Geneva, NY) -- ND, yellow, HS
Kanadasaga Club
and small do-dad of a -o- in center, smkey ($15).
yellow, hub, HS: WMS
(the letter M is largest letter), mint ($25) (notes:
on page
266 of 1998 TGT; 1940s
to 1950; the manager was William S. (Scotchy)
Morrison) SOLD
**MEADOWBROOK (Saratoga) -- roulette chips,have in
brown and green, inlay
of logo (intertwined
M and W), monarch mold, excel. ($20 each). sold
**MEADOWBROOK (Saratoga) -- roulette chips, have in
red, green, off-white
-- inlay of logo (intertwined
M and W), flat (crest and seal-like) mold,
($10 each).
**P. J. SULLIVANS (PJS) (Saratoga) -- ND, yellow,
inlay - PJS, crest and seal .
at Riley's Lake House where Sullivan was manager.
(Saratoga) -- $1, yellow, rectangles (19) mold,
H.S.: "PJS $1 Table
two,".. .... very fine condition. ($30)
**BROOK CLUB (Saratoga ) (once owned by famous
gambler Arnold
Rothstein, long before
this chip was issued) -- ND, have in green, and white
inlay: B and C intertwined,
flat (crest and seal-like) mold, picture,
($50.00). Sold.
**BROOK CLUB (Saratoga ) -- ND, have in two
colors -- SOLD
yellow and maroon-purple,
HS: Brook Club, hearts-rectangles mold, excel.
($50.00) (note:
it is possible that this chip was used at the Meadowbrook
Saratoga NY,
which was called the Brook Club in its later years) (These
chips are
from the Saratoga area, but some insist "it actually
came from the Brook Club of the
Surfside section of Miami of Florida (1939 - c. 1950),
a Club in existence much. much
later than the Saratoga Brook (early 20th
century to 1934, when it burned), and it too,
went out of existence as a direct result of
the Kefauver Investigation. No way of knowing
and the chips could have been used in both
places, or manufactured again for the
Florida place)-- SOLD
**BROOK CLUB (Saratoga ) -- ND, yellow, inlay (plain
white B; these chips
came with other
Brook Club chips; others sell these as Brook Club chips),
of 20 incused (recessed)
rectangles mold, excel. picture,
($20) -- SOLD
**BROOK CLUB (BC) (Saratoga) -- ND, green, dot
HS: block-style letters
B and C intertwined, ($20) SOLD
**PIPING ROCK (Saratoga) (Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello
were part
owners)-- $25, green,
HS: Piping Rock/$25.00, web,
faint hot-stamping, all like that ($200) SOLD
**PIPING ROCK CLUB (PRC) (Saratoga) -- $25.00, green,
hub, HS: PRC/$25.00,
($40) (note: these chips match the Herz-Mason
cards, and Allan
Myers says they will be listed as Piping Rock
in the next TGT.
Other evidence
that they are Piping Rock: the dealer I got them from
is from
the Saratoga area. He
says they came to him in a box of chips (including
Club and other Saratoga
chips) belonging to the estate of an ex-police officer.
says the chips were
identified by former workers of the club. And the high
denomination ($25.00)
indicates a club (not private) game.) SOLD
**PIPING ROCK CLUB (PRC) (Saratoga) -- $5.00, brown,
hub, HS: PRC/$5.00 ($40)
(see note for the $25.00 chip) SOLD
hub, HS: PRC, ($30)
(see note for $25.00 chip) SOLD
**OUTHWAITES (Saratoga) (owned by G. B. Outhwaite)
-- No denomination, blue-green, HS
fancy G-O-B monogram, "web" rim mold. Outhwaite opened an
exclusive private membership-only
($100 initiation fee) gambling club at a
rented mansion on Union Avenue, across from the famous
Saratoga Race Track, the oldest track (started
1864) in the country. Outhwaite's was open for
gambling and drinks throughout the day, but
was primarily busy after the lakefront resorts had
their "last call" for drinks. To view the
chip and an ad for the club, click here
and here
. $27
**GEK - NEWMANS LAKE HOUSE(Saratoga) (Gerald E. King
was the owner
of Newmans Lake House)
-- ND, white, HS: GEK, rectangles, ($20) SOLD
LAKE HOUSE (Saratoga) HS: RLH, rectangles,
**ARROWHEAD INN (Saratoga) (Meyer Lansky and Joe Adonis had
a piece of
it; in 1953 Lansky
pleaded guilty to conspiracy to illegal gambling
at the
Arrowhead and received
a three month jail sentence) -- ND, have in green
HS (INN inside arrowhead design), diamonds,
($25 each)
**GSSG (Brooklyn, NYC) -- have it in $5.00 red, and
$25.00 green,
HS:GSSG/denomination, Hat
and Cane, chips in good shape except warped some,
($50 each)............
(I used to play there often. It was
run quite openly to the
public by associates
of the Gambino crime family. There were craps,
BJ and
poker games. The place
was raided March 9, 1978, by the police (I
was not there
for that raid), and
a friend of mine ended up stuck with hundreds of
dollars in
unredeemable chips.,
which is how I acquired these. Club is listed in The
Table. I dont
know what GSSG stood for.)
**TEMPLE J.H.J.C. (NYC, 74th St. and Madison Ave.)
-- 1, red (3 green
inserts), HS: Temple
1 JHJC, dice-cards, excel., ($10)
**TEMPLE J.H.J.C. (NYC, 74th St. and Madison Ave.)
-- 5, black (3 pink
inserts), HS: Temple
5 JHJC, dice-cards, excel., ($10)
**PIGEON CLUB (I made up that name) (Brooklyn) --
in sets of four -- all:
ND, diamond-rectangle-rectangle mold, HS with
image of a
pigeon, used, good condition
except pigeon hot-stamp is incredibly
four chips are: white (3 blue inserts), yellow
(3 red inserts),
blue (3 red inserts)
and black (3 yellow inserts).......($15 for set
to the local gambling supply distributor who made
chips, they were made
in the 1960s for a Brooklyn club that was raided the first
night, later reopened
and used elsewhere. It is probably true
that these are illegal
club chips because of
the (1) large number of chips I acquired --
over 600, and
(2) the expensive casino
quality of the chips -- special hot-stamp,
edge spots.)
**NEB CLUB (Chinatown, Manhattan, NYC) -- sold
as set of 3
chip: ND, brown,
red and green chips, HS: NEB, web mold, mint ($15 for
of 3 chips). These
chips were issued by a local NYCgambling supply distributor
who told me they were
made for an illegal club in Chinatown, but they didnt
recall the club name.
I bought about 900 of the chips at an antique show,
amount unlikely for
a social Friday night house game, more likely for an illegal
club game.
**ARROWHEAD CLUB/J.S. BAUER (Branch Hills; near Cincinnati)
-- ND,
have chips in red, light
blue, dark brown, yellow, dark green and light green, crest and
seal inlay:
(fancy swirls,
playing card back with JSB on it), flat C&S ($40
each) (notes: Bauer was a prominent
person who fronted for the
Cleveland syndicate at the Arrowhed. U.S/
Playing Card Co.
records show that
the chips were made in 1926.)
**HOLLYWOOD CLUB (Toledo) -- $1.00. white (4 black
inserts), HS:
Hollywood Club $1.00.
smkey, used a lot, ($10)
**HOLLYWOOD CLB (Toledo) -- $10.00. yellow (4 red
inserts), HS:
Hollywood Club $10.00�.
smkey, used a lot, ($10)
**DIXIE INN (Toledo) -- $5.00. brown, HS: Dixie Inn
$5, smkey, ($20) SOLD
OREGON -- all of these chips from Oregon are from the OConnor club
Portland. It was a
well-known mens club in the heart of downtown Portland.
Started by Eddie OConnor
in 1934, it closed in 1973, the last such
club in Oregon. The
chips below which are marked good for trade only
probably made that way
for table game chips that could be explained as
advertising trade tokens
in case of a police raid:
**SMKEY MOLD, have in blue and white, HS: OConnor/Trade
Only, condition:
OK, minor nicks and
small burns, ($5 each)
**HUB MOLD, have in green, red and yellow, HS: OConnor,
condition: good
except maybe very
small burn, ($5 each)
Trade Only, possible
small nicks/burns, ($10) (note: OConnor is spelled
OConner here!)
**DIAMONDS MOLD, have in purple, yellow and pink,
HS: K and N Club;
OCONNOR; 415 Wash. St./good
for trade only, condition: poor, faded, worn,
dried out; the yellow
ones are best, OK ($5 each)
**SMOOTHIES (NO MOLD; FLAT), have in red and blue.
HS (or engraved ?):
K and N Club; OCONNOR;
415 Wash. St./Good For Trade Only, worn, poor,
($10 each)
TEXAS -- other than Galveston
hub mold, HS: "Cedar
Crest," ($15)
(Dallas) -- see Morgan Bank, Eureka Springs, Arkansas,
**SOUTHLAND HOTEL (Dallas) -- $1.00/horseshoe picture, gray,
Harp mold,
here for picture of chip and mfg. record for it.
Ivy Miller was Binion's right-hand man and gunsel. Room
226 at the Southland was Binion's start -- his
permanent craps game and headquarters of his syndicate.
Only several are left.
Hot-stamp imprint
has "run" (smeared some over time) a little, but OK chip. ($43)
TEXAS -- all in Galveston, unless otherwise noted
**IMPERIAL CLUB -- ND, have in red, blue and orange,
HS: Imperial, smkey, ($15 each)
**CRYSTAL CLUB -- ND, red, HS: Crystal Club, Ls
mold, very worn, ($15) sold
**BALINESE ROOM -- $5,00, red, HS: TAC $5.00 BR,
square in circle, ,excel., ($20) SOLD
**BALINESE ROOM -- $5.00, orange, HS: TAC BR $5.00,
diamonds, ($15) sold
**BALINESE ROOM -- $1.00, white, HS: TAC $1.00
BR, square in
circle, ,used., ($15)
**BALINESE ROOM -- $25.00, purple, HS: TAC BR $25.00,
diamonds, ($25) sold
**TURF - TURF ATHLETIC CLUB -- $5.00, orange, HS: TURF
$5.00, smkey,
HS worn ($20) SOLD
**TAC - TURF ATHLETIC CLUB -- $5.00, orange, HS: TAC
$5.00, smkey, ($20) SOLD
**STUDIO LOUNGE -- $5.00, orange, HS: TAC SL $5.00,
diamonds, ($15) sold
**STUDIO LOUNGE -- $1.00, white-tan, HS: TAC SL $1.00,
diamonds, ($15) sold
**JAYS PLAYMOR CLUB (JPC) (Cheyenne) -- $10.00,
black, smkey, HS: JPC / $10.00, ($15.00)
**WORTS HOTEL ($1) (Jackson Hole) -- $1.00,
blue, KT
mold, HS: $1.00 (on
both sides; no words or logo) ($10.00) (note: on good
authority, these chips
came from John Worts' (owner of hotel) daughter)